How to Solve the Show or Hide Element in React

How to Solve the Show or Hide Element in React?

React is one of the most common programming languages that can be used to define the best user interface for different applications and websites. It brings all JavaScript and CSS elements together, but the platform also allows programmers to work on the codes and customize them according to the requirements. Due to all the features in-built, you can easily work on different sections and ensure the UI can be up to market requirements.

Just like Java is made from objects and classes, React deals with components and elements. Each component defines a certain function or feature of the interface. For example, it can be the font color, buttons, clickable icons, etc. On the other hand, one or more components are from the elements. For instance, color, style, and alignment are three CSS components in React that define the element font.

Since the interface will have a mix of multiple components and elements, you need to work on developing functions that can show or hide them based on the input received. Usually, a variable is set to obtain the Boolean value True or False based on which the element or component concerned will be displayed on the screen or hidden.

Now, there are several ways in which you can achieve this functionality. But in this following discussion, we have described only the most effective ways to achieve this condition.

Conditional rendering of the parent

When you are using multiple child components, they need to be integrated into a parent component so that when they can be called based on programming logic implemented as per the UI design. This particular method is suitable for elements that will be rendered once or twice in the lifetime of the UI functioning for a user.

However, although it has proven to be of quite a help, you won’t be able to use this method for elements that will be called multiple times throughout the UI lifecycle. Besides, whenever the value is called, React creates the concerned component from scratch, which is why it may take a lot of time for the element to become visible or invisible.

Conditional rendering of a child

Another method of showing or hiding the components and elements is through the conditional rendering of the child elements into the parent program. This is implemented mainly when you have multiple child elements, and each behaves independently. Therefore, you won’t have to use different variables to define each element or condition when rendering properties and using Boolean values. The best way is to implement short circuits and && operators.

While the logical & operator is used to evaluate an expression, the && sets a condition in the statement. Its left-hand side expression fetches the Boolean value, which can be True and False. If the value is True, the && operators allow the flow of control to pass to the next part of the statement meant for making a component visible.

But if the fetched Boolean data is False, the flow will be broken, also termed a short circuit, and the flow jumps to the next line. Here, the && operator gives a null value once the Boolean result is False. Since this is one of the most simplistic methods, you can easily show or hide elements accordingly and enhance the overall app functionality.

Class hiding

If you do not want to use these difficult options for showing or hiding any element or component on React, the best way will be to implement the process for class hiding. It is mainly used to implement the CSS class “display: none.” When you toggle the visibility, all the hidden components or elements will be called, and the controller will scan through each to check whose child program has been passed through the display class.

Then, only that hidden element will be shown on the screen, and vice versa. It is one of the fastest ways to implement conditional visibility of React elements and components. However, make sure you pass the CSS prop values for the right elements only. Besides, if the elements or compounds are huge in number, the compiler will take a lot of time to call all functions at once and then scan each.

Which method is best for hiding and showing the components?

You need to implement the best method according to the desire of the codes. For example, when elements need to appear once, you can use the conditional rendering process in a parent. Similarly, when multiple child elements are present, you need to use conditional rendering of the child. So, do ensure to choose the best method that won’t cause the elements or components to slow down the program and interfere with the UI performance. here’s a brief summary of How to Conditionally Add Attributes to React Components? that you don’t want to miss out.

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