How to Get Parameter Value from Query String in React

How to Get Parameter Value from Query String in React?

Query Strings are the best and most widely retrieved information from the URL of the pages. Of course, users have to prefer access further to web app functionalities to be part of the URL. 

It considers the full query and focuses on sending information using parameters for key-value pairs. In other words, it should be explored with a query string and a piece of information sent to the server appended to the end of the page URL. 

The server-side page should be implemented with one page to another page via a URL. The query string is a way to transform information by setting up the URL with “?”. Thus, it is easy to use and does not require server resources and focuses on hire react developer. You do not need to put the extra effort into code. 

What is a Query String?

A query string should be a set of risk characters tacked at the end of the URL. Of course, it should be explored beginning after the question mark (?) and includes one or more parameters. 

Each parameter should be represented with a unique key value pair or set of two linked data items. An equal sign (=) separates the value and a key. The value parameters should be implemented with certain URLs to update with represented values. 

Why Are Query Strings Important?

Query strings are always essential in delivering passing information on the web server. It takes an important role and guidance to update on actions to take over. It also surpasses the limits, ensures proper guidance with UX, and satisfies the business operations. 

It is an important thing which includes a marketing perspective and tracking website results. Thus, it will monitor effectively and search in terms of personalizing the marketing campaigns with more functionalities. 

Ways to get parameter value from the query string

Here are the three methods to follow to get parameter values from the query string.

1. You can use a regular expression to get the query string.

import React from "react";
import { use location } from "react-router-dom";
const MyComponent = () => {
  const { language } = use location();
  const name = new URLSearchParams(language).get("name");

2. To obtain parameter value from query string with React Router

The parameter should be assigned with the value from the query string with react-router. It will create possible ways and guidelines to update the react hooks. It should be an admiring one and has been focused on using a location hook to get parameter value from query string with react-router. 

import React from "react";
import { use location } from "react-router-dom";
constMyComponent = () => {
  const { search } = use location();
  const id = new URLSearchParams(search).get("id");

On the other hand, the relocation should set out the hook and handle the data properly. It should be raised with passes to search based on the URL search parameters. Of course, you will hook the value of ID and include a query parameter to set out getting query strings with react outcome. 

The use of search parameters in API must have a built-in search and render the utility methods in setting up the query outcome. It should be a valid one and have new instances to get into the URL search parameters to be updated well. It ensures a bunch of methods to include for query strings without any hassles. 

3. To obtain parameter value from query string without react-router in reactjs app.

The parameter value will be assigned with the react router to get into the query options. The updates are always flexible, and props location search will be included in the parameter values. It will be assigned with the React JS app and ensure values are set around with the creation app. 

Create react app

Of course, you have to open the terminal and then execute the common on the terminal to create the new react app

npx create-react-app my-react-app

Thus, it would help if you executed the command mode and were able to operate while running the React app.

Npm start must be assigned with value and strings. 

You can even check the React app with the URL, and the local host will be assigned with value

Then, install the Bootstrap 4 package and include the query string 

Adding the query string and bootstrap should be 4 libraries, and the react project must be assigned with the running command listed. 

npm install bootstrap --save
npm install query-string
After that, you must add the react-router and boostrap.min.css file in the src/App.js file.
import React from 'react';
import '../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
function App() {
  return (
export default App;

Create home component

Thus, creating the home.js component must move forward in setting up react Js and src directory and include adding the following code to be implemented. 

import React from 'react'
importqueryString from 'query-string'
class Home extends React. Component{
state = {
    site: 'unknown',
    subject: 'I don't know
  handleQueryString = () => {
     let queries = queryString.parse(   
  render() {
    return (
Website: {this.}
Subject: {this. State.subject}
<button> click me </button>
export default Home;

On the other hand, the URL should be implemented with a query string and be shown in the react Js, which is to assume possession. As a result, it should include the click button and be able to react with query string parameters as well. 

You can schedule with react developers and add components in the app.js incl, including home values, and react Js should include components to be shown with js code. 

import React from 'react';
import '../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
iimportqueryString from 'query-string'
import Home from './Home'
function App() { 
  return (
export default App;

4. Multiple Query parameters

import React from 'react';

import {useLocation} from "react-router-dom";

export default function EmployeeDetails() {

  const search = useLocation().search;

  const empId = new URLSearchParams(search).get('empId');

  const empName = new URLSearchParams(search).get('empName');

  return (


<h1>Employee Details Page</h1>






When managing the project, hire dedicated react developers that think outside the box. Thus, you will appreciate the fundamental strategies for getting boundary values from the query string. You can utilize any of these strategies. On the other hand, you can enlist a response engineer on the grounds that the designer has more information and mastery around here.

Thus, you will anticipate the best help for your question or task. Recollect that you can openly examine your requirements with the engineer and get the right arrangement. They will exhibit all potential ways of accomplishing your necessities utilizing their aptitude.

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