Application of Higher Order Components (HOCs) with Code Examples

Higher Order Components (HOCs) serve as a highly efficient design pattern within React.js, enabling the reutilization of component logic effectively. By segregating common functionalities from multiple components and encapsulating them in a separate component, HOCs empower you to create cleaner, more maintainable code. Through the inclusion of practical code examples, this article will introduce you to the concept of Higher Order Components, demonstrating the substantial advantages they can bring to your projects.

Understanding Higher Order Components (HOCs)

Higher Order Components are functions that take a component as input and return a new, enhanced component with additional props or behavior. They act as wrappers around existing components, providing them with additional capabilities.

Benefits of HOCs:

  1. Reusability: HOCs allow you to reuse code across multiple components, reducing duplication.
  2. Separation of Concerns: HOCs help separate logic concerns from presentation concerns, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code.
  3. Composition: You can compose multiple HOCs to build complex component behavior.
  4. Prop Injection: HOCs can inject props into the wrapped component.

Example 1: Creating a Simple HOC

Let’s start with a basic example of a HOC that adds a “loading” prop to a component, indicating whether data is being loaded.

import React from 'react';

// Higher Order Component
const withLoading = (WrappedComponent) => {
  return class extends React.Component {
    state = {
      loading: true,

    componentDidMount() {
      // Simulate an API call
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.setState({ loading: false });
      }, 2000);

    render() {
      return (
          {this.state.loading ? <p>Loading...</p> : <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />}

// Usage of the HOC
const MyComponent = ({ data }) => <p>Data: {data}</p>;
const MyComponentWithLoading = withLoading(MyComponent);

export default MyComponentWithLoading;

In this example, the withLoading HOC wraps the MyComponent and provides it with a “loading” prop.

Example 2: Composing Multiple HOCs

You can also compose multiple HOCs to enhance a component with various functionalities.

const withLogger = (WrappedComponent) => {
  return class extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
      console.log('Component did mount');

    render() {
      return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />;

// Composing multiple HOCs
const EnhancedComponent = withLogger(withLoading(MyComponent));

In this particular instance, EnhancedComponent undergoes a sequence of transformations, initially encapsulated by the withLoading HOC and subsequently augmented by the withLogger HOC. This sequential process yields a component that adeptly manages both the logging of its lifecycle events and the handling of loading state.


Higher Order Components serve as a valuable instrument within React.js, facilitating the enhancement of component reusability, the separation of concerns, and the composition of intricate behaviors. Through the encapsulation of logic within HOCs, you can effectively render your codebase more modular and easier to maintain. As your familiarity with HOCs deepens, you gain the capability to craft bespoke HOCs tailored to the precise requirements of your application, thus augmenting the potency and flexibility of your React components.

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