How to Code-Splitting in React using Dynamic import() ?

Code-splitting is a crucial optimization technique in modern web development, especially when working with large JavaScript applications. It allows you to break your code into smaller, more manageable chunks and load them only when needed. This results in faster initial page loads and improved performance overall. In React, one of the most common ways to implement code-splitting is by using dynamic imports with the import() function. In this article, we’ll explore how to perform code-splitting in React using dynamic imports.

Understanding Code-Splitting

Before we dive into the implementation details, let’s understand what code-splitting is and why it’s essential.

Code-splitting is the process of splitting your JavaScript code into smaller bundles that can be loaded on demand. This is particularly beneficial for larger applications because it prevents users from downloading the entire JavaScript bundle upfront, reducing the initial page load time. Instead, only the necessary code is fetched when a specific feature or route is requested, leading to a more responsive user experience.

React applications are typically bundled using tools like Webpack, which can automatically perform code-splitting. However, dynamic imports give you fine-grained control over when and where you split your code.

Using Dynamic import() in React

In React, you can use the dynamic import() function to asynchronously load a module. This function returns a promise that resolves to the module’s exports, making it ideal for code-splitting. Here’s how you can use dynamic imports to implement code-splitting in your React application:

1. Importing Components Dynamically

Suppose you have a React component that you want to load on demand. You can use dynamic import() to achieve this. Let’s say you have a LazyLoadedComponent that you want to load asynchronously:

const LazyLoadedComponent = React.lazy(() => import('./LazyLoadedComponent'));

In this example, React.lazy() allows you to create a dynamic import for the LazyLoadedComponent module.

2. Using React’s Suspense

To handle the loading of the dynamically imported component, you can use React’s Suspense component. Suspense allows you to specify a fallback UI to display while the component is loading. Here’s how you can use it:

import React, { Suspense } from 'react';

const LazyLoadedComponent = React.lazy(() => import('./LazyLoadedComponent'));

function App() {
  return (
      <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
        <LazyLoadedComponent />

In this example, if LazyLoadedComponent takes some time to load, the "Loading..." message will be displayed in the meantime.

3. Building and Bundling

When you build your React application with a bundler like Webpack, it will automatically split the code into chunks based on your dynamic imports. These chunks will be loaded asynchronously when needed.

Benefits of Dynamic import()

Using dynamic import() in React offers several advantages:

  1. Improved Performance: By loading only the necessary code, you reduce the initial page load time, leading to faster user interactions.
  2. Smaller Initial Bundle: Your initial bundle size remains smaller, which is especially important for mobile users and those with slower internet connections.
  3. Optimized Resource Usage: Code-splitting allows you to prioritize which parts of your application to load first, optimizing resource usage.
  4. Maintainability: Splitting your code into smaller modules makes it more maintainable and easier to work with, especially in large projects.
  5. Better User Experience: Users get a more responsive experience because they don’t have to wait for the entire application to load.


Code-splitting is an essential technique in React for optimizing applications. By utilizing dynamic import(), React’s Suspense, and efficient loading of components and code chunks when needed, you can significantly enhance user experience and web application performance. This approach is particularly valuable in larger projects. Implementing code-splitting in your React applications is a must for a smoother user experience and greater responsiveness.

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